Mastering Document Automation

How to plan and execute a document automation migration

You may be at the point where you're considering switching from your legacy document automation platform to a new one.…

3 months ago

Document automation blockers and how to overcome them

Are you familiar with document automation? If you’re reading this post, you probably are. Document automation systems have been around…

5 months ago

Legal Tech Decisions: Build vs buy for Document Automation

Should you buy a document automation solution or build it from scratch?  When it comes to automating your document creation…

6 months ago

How can a document automation API turbocharge your legal practice?

APIs aka “Application Programming Interfaces”, are an essential part of modern software development and are highly used in the document…

2 years ago

Legal technology: how any lawyer can supercharge their practice

With the entrance of Legal Technology and a new generation into the legal profession, the future of the legal profession…

2 years ago

Could outdated technology be costing your firm?

Are you leaving room in your firm’s budget to invest in technology? For the majority, the answer is yes –…

3 years ago

Discover the Benefits of Standardisation in the Legal Sector

Standardisation in the legal sector is a trend that is every day gaining more adepts. In this week’s blog post,…

3 years ago

7 tips on how to prepare your documents to be “automation-ready”

As companies move towards adopting more cost-saving and time-saving methods of generating documents, the buzzword “document automation” will inevitably be…

3 years ago

How can Banking & Finance teams leverage document automation to their advantage?

A report by McKinsey in 2017, identified an interest by banks to deploy automation technologies to improve productivity, cost savings and improvement…

3 years ago

House styles – why are they important in law, and how can LegalTech help?

Often companies have certain “house styles” to look and feel like their branding; you see it in their logos, communication…

3 years ago