Legal advice disclaimer

Relationship between you and us

This page sets out the terms between Avvoka Limited (“Avvoka“) (as service provider) and you (as service recipient) in relation to your use of this website. These terms should be read in conjunction with the Signing disclaimer and the Privacy policy.

Avvoka is designed to help you create, send and store legal documents in the cloud. We are not a party to any document that you create using Avvoka and do not and cannot provide legal advice in connection with these documents and/or any dispute that arises in connection with them. You understand that if you decide to enter into any document created using Avvoka, you are doing so at your own risk and represent yourself.

Avvoka (i) is not a firm of solicitors, (ii) does not practice law, and (iii) does not give legal advice. We are not your solicitor and are not a substitute for a solicitor’s advice and do not have a solicitor-client relationship with you. All information you provide to us is not protected by legal advice privilege.

Avvoka does not (i) review any information you provide to us for legal accuracy or sufficiency, (ii) draw legal conclusions or provide opinions about the documents you select or create using Avvoka, or (iii) apply the law to your circumstances.