Signing disclaimer

Disclosure in connection with electronic communications and e-signatures

Please note that by clicking continue and signing this document generated on you agree that you have reviewed the following disclosure and consent to: (i) transact business by electronic means; (ii) receive documents electronically; and (iii) use the avvoka e-signature system. The avvoka e-signature service is provided on behalf of avvoka users (the “sending party”) who are sending electronic documents to you.

You are not under and obligation to receive documents electronically or use the e-signature system. You may request to receive hard copy paper documents instead and withdraw your consent at any time in accordance with the procedure below.

Hard copy paper documents

You are able to download and print the documents you receive using If you prefer to receive hard copy paper documents instead of using electronic documents you may close this web browser and request hard copy paper documents from the sending party by emailing the sending party directly.

Withdrawing consent

You may withdraw your consent to receive electronic documents using at any time. To withdraw consent you must notify the sending party that you wish to withdraw consent by emailing the sending party directly.

Please note that after you withdraw consent, if you choose to proceed after such time and use the e-signature system, you are consenting to receive and sign documents electronically. You can withdraw consent after such time that you consent to using the system by following the procedure outlined above.

Scope of consent

You agree to receive electronic documents and use the e-signature system with all related and identified documents provided over the course of your relationship with the sending party. You may at any point withdraw you consent by following the procedures described above.